
Sports Nightly **ABBREVIATED SEE NOTES** - NET-1


Sports Nightly **ABBREVIATED SEE NOTES** - NET-1

Assuming the earlier partial baseball game ends prior to 6:04 PM, an abbreviated Sports Nightly will start at the usual 06:04:00 PM CDT.  Sports Nightly Hour #1 Break #1 will backtime to the full baseball game open at 6:30 PM CDT.

If the prior partial baseball game broadcast ends after 6:04 PM, we will take a 2:02 (two minute two seconds) local break at the end of the partial baseball game then start Sports Nightly sometime after 6:04 PM CDT, then end Sports Nightly to backtime Hour #1 Break #1 to the regular full baseball game open at 6:30 PM.

HOWEVER if the prior partial baseball game postgame is not over until 6:24:00 PM or later we WILL NOT DO A SPORTS NIGHTLY, instead we will take a 2:02 local break between the end of the partial game and the produced open for the full regular game.  In this situation, we will send the local break contact closure at the end of the partial game - but NOT send an end of game at the end of the partial game.


Date Tue, May 9, 2023
Time 6:04pm-6:30pm CDT
Duration 26 minutes
Priority 5-Medium
Access Public
Created by Huskers Radio Network Calendar ( by )
Updated Wed, May 3, 2023 7:26pm GMT